
General Courses

Enfocados a mejorar la expresión oral, la audición y la comprensión del idioma.

The “GENERAL LANGUAGE COURSES” are aimed at improving spoken language skills, listening and comprehension. The activities carried out in class are strictly communication exercises and you will be able to apply what you learn to everyday or work situations. The students also broaden their knowledge of vocabulary, common expressions and new grammatical structure in a simple, practical way. Learning and using language in structured, imaginative, hands- on classes will boast your fluency and increase your confidence when speaking.

Hours 2.5 /week

Progress: 1 level in 8 moths, 80 hours

Pricing: 65€

Whole Course payment (8 months) in one payment: 470€

22 abril, 2015
· "ADVANCE" Escuela de Idiomas ©2015 ·